Discover the great new gaming platform
Dream, Play, PlooYo!
The great new gaming and entertainment platform is officially online. From today you can browse through a huge selection of action figures for different age groups, as well as a selection of collectables, board games and everything else you’ve ever dreamed of playing.
But PlooYo is not ‘just’ a platform where you can buy action figures and other games. PlooYo is also a huge community of fans, just like you, with its own internal currency (PlooYoCoins), where the more you interact with other users, the more you earn. If, in addition to playing games, you also like to think up your own, we have come up with a section dedicated to you, the Idea Factory.
Through the Idea Factory you can send in your creativity to us, and if it has potential we will work out together how to make your idea real.
And if you are really good, you might become a PlooYo Designer!